head mount(integral) temperature transmitter 顶装式(一体化)温度变送器
field mount temperature transmitter 现场安装式温度变送器
rail mount(cotrol room) temperature trans-mitter 轨道安装式(控制室)温度变送器
head mount(integral) temperature transmitter with LCD meter 顶装式(一体化)带液晶显示表的温度变送器
electronics module 电子模块(温度变送单元)
armored sensor(thermocouple or resistance) 铠装感温元件(热电偶 或热电阻)

flanged thermowell 法兰连接的温度计套管
sanitation type thermowell 卫生型温度计套管
weleded thermowell 焊接连接的温度计套管
threaded thermowell 螺纹连接的温度计套管
standard extension 标准延长管
nipple-union-nipple extension 活接头和两根短管组成的延长管

spring loaded armored sensor 带弹簧压紧的铠装感温元件(热电偶或热电阻)
terminal block armored sensor 带端子块的铠装感温元件(热电偶或热电阻)
flying lead armored sensor 不带端子块的铠装感温元件(热电偶 或热电阻)
nipple-union extension 短管和活接头组成的延长管
cover with wiring diagram label 带接线简图的变送器盖
name plate 铭牌
housing with permanent terminal block 带端子块的变送器外壳
LCD meter 液晶显示表
cover with glass 带玻璃面板的变送器盖
cornection head 接线盒